Saturday, August 27, 2005

Update Number 4375

::taking a cue from Siren and blowing all the dust off my blog::

Oh you wonderfully readers, well I'm glad you're still reading, that's always good to have. Here's how my like is going.

I have been officially reprimanded for the security job thingy. Basically, there is a letter in my jacket permanently and I got scolded. Which hella sucked.

Life has been kicking my ass lately. The things currently on my to do list are:
-finish setting up class schedule
-pay tuition
-Move to the new apartment by Wednesday night. (its slightly bigger, has a balcony, come with AC and a comfy chair so its cool I guess)
-Write 2 speeches for Paul
-Write up 3 letters for Paul
-Write up a plan for the secret crazy project
-Set up meetings with about 7 different people
-Write an article for the school newspaper by Thursday
-Go home and see the folks and deal with some stuff with them
-Staff a security event
-Staff Paul for the next few days because of all the events he has to be at
-And several other minor projects.

I want to be able to delegate some of this stuff away, or do it later, or just not do it at all. But I can't. I promised people I'd do these things and I promised myself I would do my best to do them. So I am basically not going to sleep tonight and spend the night writing speech's, letters and plans. And tomorrow I have to start moving. Hopefully in about a week, things will calm down a little more.

The meeting the other day, well I'm not sure how it went. I went in and laid down the law and kept trying to push this woman slightly off balance so I could get a real reaction. What I got what was lots of nodding and "well, I understand that's how you feel but...". Apparently that's how she trys to disarm people and also she uses subtle tactics like avoiding scheduling meetings and taking you onto mindless tangents to avoid actually listening to you and fixing things. Its not how I feel either. I have documented proof from multiple sources. I can absolutely guarantee you that I'm right. She is a very annoying person to deal with. But I still have confidence that I can win. And I like winning more than almost anything. So I'll be keeping y'all up to speed on that.

Other than that, I've just been hanging around. Spent much of the day watching CNN and worrying. Because I am a chronic worrier. I worry about people I care about. I worry about myself, if I'm doing a good enough job. I worry if I make people happy. I worry about most everything. I'm not sure if its a good or bad quality. Anyway.

Anyway, I'm at work right now and just got called into Pauls office. So I guess I've got to go. I'll try to get back to more regular posting.

Jake Bullet

PS. I've got two "parties" to go to in the next few weeks and to be honest, I'm really looking forward to gettting my ass beat.


Unknown said...

ya know hun there is no shame in asking for help. You should have asked me to help you move... i would have... but now I'll be out of town tomorrow. You have been so crabby and mean and stressed lately and it hella sucks and i'd love to help change that. Let me know if you need help thursday.

Anonymous said...

Who is this Siren character you speak of? and is she your Mistress? You seem to be obsessed by her.

DarkRebelSiren said...

::laughing:: We happen to be very good friends, anon. Obessive friends? Hmmmmmmm..nope, not last time I checked....just quite enthusiastic ones. Perhaps you are a little obessesed with (not by for the record)Jake. Why else would you care who he writes about in his personal blog? If you were a super detective, I bet you could have figured out who I was all by yourself. For example, he has linked to my blog a time or two and if you look to that little little list of blogs he likes...Dark Rebel SIREN. Now go play somewhere else. ::sweet smile::

Jake Bullet said...

::quietly listening in, smirking:: I couldn't have said it any better. Thanks Siren. And yes anon, go play elsewhere
