Wednesday, March 29, 2006


Today was supposed to be a productive day.

I was going to pick a cell phone (for when I switch in a week or so), learn more about possible PDA's, attend a very important meeting to get answers to a problem I have, and do some more reading. Supposed to.

Here's what happened.

-The only solutions that the meeting offered would make my problem worse not better, once again, I don't fit in the mold. And thats probably my fault.

-I can't pick a phone because I can't find out which ones are relaiable (I want an inexpensive one to come with the plan, so I'm very limited in the choices)

-I didn't get any research done on PDA's....the one I want is too expensive for the money I have available. So I need to keep looking. Hurray for me.

-Three books and a hat came in the mail. The problem is one of the books is written by a woman who I think is pyschotic (and I only skimmed her ramblings), another is written by guys with real problems making me feel like a whiner for even bringing mine up, and the 3rd is too short to offer any help. Plus I look terrible in the hat.

Today's been great, just great. Tomorrow's looking even better.


Friday, March 24, 2006

Today, I realized that 75 percent of the keys on my key ring were useless. Keys to old cars, old offices, a bike lock I no longer have, old houses and sveral that I have no idea what they were ever for. So I got a new system and dumped 12 useless keys. I still have them, just in case....but now I'm only going to carry the essentials.

Oh yeah, and tomorrow....Andrew and I are going purse shopping.....for me. I just need more storage space.....I'm manly enough to be able to carry a purse.


Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Screw you Sprint, I'm going home

Screw you Sprint!

I'm done with sprint, done. Absolutely completely done. I'm sick of bad reception, dropped reception, incoherent billing, pricey service, dropped calls and all of it.

Sprint can officially eat my ass. Its time for the good people of Sprint to play my favorite game....Hide and Go Fuck Yourself.

T-mobile is out too, Andrew has toooooo many horror stories already. So I am going to take an hour sometime tonight to compare US Cellular and Cingular. And soon I will pick one and switch.

(In defense of Sprint, when I went to the store about an hour ago, they were able to give me 500 additional anytime minutes for the month, giving me around 200 minutes to actual use in the coming days. Buying those minutes also changed my bill from about $140 to $50. But, other than that they suck.)

If anyone has suggestions on which company is better, I'd love to hear. All I want to do is make calls....I don't care about ringtones, games, text messaging (I *maybe* send 5 of those a month), or anything fancy. I just want uber minutes for low price and a huge block of time listed as Night and weekend/unlimited use.

Stupid bloody phones.

I'll blog more later.

Jake Bullet

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Well, that was certanly odd.

I just had a dream, that I did bear role play. Wearing a bear skin rug. With a real bear in the room. Apparently we ate jam together. No, it wasn't a "hey this sounds fun" thing.....I thought the bear would eat me if he thought I was a human. Dreams are weird.

Quote of the Day (from a few days ago)Sally Jane: (On Prostitutes on the street) If they've got all there teeth, she's a cop. If they've only got 3 or 4, then she's a crack addict and its okay.

Not sure I completely agree, but it sounded funny.

Okay, time to go prepare for a very busy day.


Wednesday, March 15, 2006


Its technically Wednesday. And we allllllllllll know what Wednesday means.

If I can make it without smoking all of today (Wednesday) then it will officially be a month of no smoking. Thats right, 30 days. No smoking. And until Monday, I hadn't so much as touched a pack, much less even touched ciggerette. I think I'm nearly ready to call myself a nonsmoker.

30 days. Sweet freakin Jesus, I didn't think I could do it. I mean, wow.

Thanks Sally Jane and Batina, for helping me along.


::doing a little dance::

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Doing my part to fuck Bill Napoli

I'm doing my part to screw over Bill Napoli, the fucker from SD. If you haven't heard, look here

Bill Napoli (R-SD)

napoli (not to be confused with the proper noun, which indicates the Italian city)

Function: verb

Inflected Form(s): napolied

Pronunciation: nA'poli

1. To brutalize and rape, sodomize as bad as you can possibly make it, a young, religious virgin woman who was saving herself for marriage.

2. To hella rape somebody.

Etymology: From State Senator Bill Napoli's (R-SD) description of an acceptable rape that would merit an exemption from South Dakota's abortion ban.

Example of usage: "Did you hear? Laura's dad totally napolied her, but according to Utah law, she still has to obtain his permission before getting an abortion."

Monday, March 13, 2006

Broom Fucking

Well fuck me sideways with a dry broom handle, splinters are a plus.

Anyone want to guess what tomorrow is? I mean besides me having dinner with R.

Give up? Well tomorrow is the day to see the regular doctor. For the 10,000 mile checkup so to speak. Grrrr. This is going to be less than fun. Why? Well, the absolutely wonderful cuts on my back that Mr. Ninja and Sally Jane made at the last convention....yeah, those are totally visible on my back. Now, I love the cuts. I knew it was a risk when I asked them to do it. But, I was hoping not to have to explain it to a general practioner.

But I will, I'm prepared for it. I know how I plan on explaining myself. I'm not ashamed of my interest in SM. But right now I kinda wish I had like a big butchy lesbian for a doctor instead of Mr. White Bread Vanilla himself. Oh well, if he can't deal then we do this thing and find a guy who can handle it. I'm playing good money for him to preform service.

Still, they are beautiful cuts. :)


Sunday, March 12, 2006

What a weekend. I mean wow.

I'm just not ready right now to blog in depth, so here are highlights and a short to do list.

Sally Jane and I getting into a not good thing because we hit upon some new feelings and emotions and whatnot which neither of us anticipated. A solid hour of corner time (12 minutes was the previous high) to cool down and a good 3-way talk afterwards helped lots.

One of the heaviest scenes I've done, hard, fast, stingy, and very cathartic. Halfway though the scene Sally Jane and Batina needed to take turns counterweighting the cross I was on, because I was pulling back so hard I nearly flipped it over. Oh, and yeah I was screaming at the top of my lungs every obsenity that I could think of. And crying, which I have *never* done in scene. Audience was impressed. But, yeah, that was actually really really good for emotional release and trying new things.

Me learning more and more (as I always do with Sally Jane and Batina) about being a good submissive versus the friendly neighborhood bottom.

Oh, to do list:
-E-mail host and audiance (from heavy scene) letting them know I am okay and thanking them for helping
-Check in with Sally Jane and Batina later tonight and tomorrow
-Let our friends R and J know everything is alright (they were there for Sally Jane and I hitting a bad spot)
-Set up dinner date with R to talk with her and get helpful advice
-Clean out car
-Clean room

Okay, time to rest a little, more blogging later.


Monday, March 06, 2006


Saturday and Sunday were quite nice indeed.

I headed over to Batina's house late Saturday afternoon and had the opportunity to cook for them which was a great deal of fun. And I got to actually really cook. In a proper kitchen with proper ingredients. Sally Jane and Batina seemed to enjoy the food, and I found out how weird it feels to eat on the floor while everyone else gets to use the table. Embarassing, but in that funny squirmy way.

Afterwards, well, afterwards was desert. Delicious chocolete and carmel flavors. I can't take credit for making desert, but it was delicious.

Sunday was also fun....breakfast out with Batina and Sally Jane and then I was a stunt butt for a quick flogging lesson. Then time to head out.

Then I joined up with Andrew. We went out for dinner at our favorite resturant, and then went back to his place to watch the Oscars. Before Oscar time we watched Jim Gaffigan on DVD and I nearly wet myself laughing. Andrew and I then had fun watching most of the Oscars and then I came home and slept.

All in all, it was a good weekend. A very good weekend indeed.

Jake Bullet

Friday, March 03, 2006

Shopping today.

Here's where I've been and what I got. I am a total perv. And as ussual, I got a number of looks at my TwistedMonk shirt.

School Bookstore
-Foreceps for Sally Jane

Dom Depot (aka Home Depot)
-100 feet of rope
-Latex tool dip (for rope ends)
-Electrical tape (for marking rope)

Large Chain bookstore
-Got nothing, but asked about Wiseman's Erotic Bondage Handbook

Local Queer Bookstore
-Gay Pride Flag Sticker for my car
-Pin with fabo saying on it
-Copy of "The New Topping Book"
-Requested they order Wiseman's book and a leather pride flag sticker for me.

I love shopping. Sally Jane are going Camera shopping later today and may end up stopping at the pet store, for, um, things.

I love being a perv.

Jake Bullet

I am wearing a very cool piece of neck jewelery right now. (If you are confused, think about the kinds of stuff I do on the weekends) Why? Crazy new relationship? Major life change? Other huge thing.Nope, not today anyway.

Its Batinas, she wanted to see if it would fit me and I ended up wearing it all throughout the munch. What does it mean? Right now, nothing more than a friendship. Its not "my" collar. It wasn't made just for me. I imagine I'll be wearing it alot when we three (Batina, Sally Jane and I) play, but for now, its just a collar.

On the other hand, how fucking hot is it to just be grabbed by the collar and pulled close to someone??

One day I am going to have a totally awesome, deeply meaningful, special, all the time collar.....but todays not that day.....and I'm surprisingly okay with all that. Now I just have to remember to bring the collar with me Saturday


Wednesday, March 01, 2006

I haven't updated recently. And its been because I've been in a little bit of a mood lately. I don't know why, but it just happens to me sometimes. And if you've tried calling recently, I've had my phone turned off for awhile. No, I've payed the bill. It's just that, well, I haven't wanted to talk recently, and I've been avoiding the Parental Units. SO I shut off the phone. My e-mail still works just fine however

However, this evening my friend R and I are going to grab coffee and possibly food as well. Discussions will likely ensue, its possible plans to overtake a small third world country will be delevoped. I'll let y'all know.

I will be out at Thursday, promise.

Last updates comment? Well, um, Sally Jane pegged it. Its mostly due to Sally Jane and Batina.

We three played Friday night. It was pretty much all puppy play. And it was alot of fun. I got so into the role I stopped thinking in words for awhile, which was uber hellacool. And then, even though puppies don't get to play on the furniture, I got to crashed with Sally Jane and Batina in the bed(no, no funny business) and then we hung out and played the next morning. And amoung the highlites was the following: learning to give good foot rubs (I'm not really a feet guy), learning to bathe feet with my, um, tongue (seriously, I'm not a foot guy, I do it because others enjoy it), and playing fetch with one of my own, um, *insertables*. I also learned that apparently as a puppy I bite alot. But yeah, it was good times, even if I did hurt my knees a bit during the playtime. I think I want to do puppy play again.

But yeah, for now, I think I'm going to go to a bookstore and buy a few books. I'm thinking 1984 and Brave New World. Not the cheeriest in the world, but I want to reread them.

Jake Bullet