Sunday, July 10, 2005

Waxing....How did it come to this

Well, half my shift got taken by someone who needed hours, so its time for a fast entry, then a few hours more sleep. Which is good. A few random items first and then a discussion of waxing with Jill.

I got to have a very pleasant and relaxing conversation with someone right after I got off work this morning. However, next time I talk to her, I get to look forward to a discussion of my caffeine intake habits. Joy of joys. Atleast I don't consume nearly the caffeine that I used to. I'll keep y'all updated.

I'm trying to convince my dad to come to my favorite (low-key) gay bar with me some night. I think eventually he'll go for it, but I think having his son ask him to go have a drink at a gay bar is throwing him slightly for a loop. He's very supportive of gay rights and was mostly fine when I told him I was bisexual, but I guess its a little different when its less of an abstract thing and more directly in front of him. I'll keep y'all updated.

I get to see Jonathan next weekend which will be really great. I miss seeing him and so whenever we can get together I really look forward to it.

Okay, on to today's main attraction. Well, Jill and I got into a conversation about the removal of pubic hair on Thursday and talking about how neither of us has ever waxed. I've waxed my eyebrows, but nothing else. And yes, I can be a manly man and get my eyebrows done. So eventually we wound up deciding to go get waxed one of these days. Together. Which is gonna turn into an adventure in and of itself. Downside is, it'll probably hurt a great deal, but hey, I'll have a new experience and it might be fun. And I'll be hairless. As part of the conversation, I said that while I would totally get my pubes waxed, I was not dipping my balls in hot wax. Sorry, that just simply isn't going to happen. I'll take care those myself.

If you ever want to have a wild time, take a roughly spherical shaped object (like your left nut) that you really really don't want to cut, and try shaving it. Its an adventure in applied geometry and a bit of a rush because one slip and your nickname becomes "Lone Nut Jim".

But Jack and Andrew started chiming in at this point, trying to make up rhymes, with a vaguely Dr. Suess theme, about dipping and waxing balls. Here are some of my favorites quotes from the night :

Jack(sung in a Dr. Suess Manner): Would you dip your balls in chum? Um, no thanks
Me, Jake Bullet: I'm sorry, I'm simply not dipping my balls in hot wax. Its a dealbreaker.
Jack: Wait, if you had peanut butter and a dog.... I knew where this was going
Jake Bullet: No
Jack: But the dog...
Jake Bullet: NOOOO Jack

Oh, and an Andrew quote from several days ago: I have a very efficient colon. I don't know about you, but I didn't need to know that.

There were other funny quotes, but I only had a small cocktail napkin with which to record them on.

Alright, time for about 4 hours of sleep. Wish me luck. Hopefully, I will return victorious in battle.

Jake Bullet

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good call!!! the peanut buter thing does not work or have pleasurable results (dogs tend to lick only so long and then bite)!!!