Wednesday, July 20, 2005

I guess I will have my toe taken care of

Well, I guess I kind of *have* to make a new appointment tomorrow to have my toe looked at. Even though I don't want to, I'm going to do it because its important and because I was told I had to. And anyone who can guess who said I had to wins a prize. Go ahead, take a guess. Okay, well, if you answered Siren, Jonathan and the Poet, you're right. In that order. Siren said I had to and I wasn't allowed to go and then leave without it being taken care of. And while I hate going, I like that she cares about me enough to make me go. It makes me blush and feel kinda special. And she said I'm not allowed to try to handle it on my own because Its too infected and bad and messed up for me to do. Stupid doctors.

I also called Jonathan and vented to him about my day, because it sort of sucked. And he also told me that I had to go. And the Poet told me I should go too. So everybody seems to be in agreement.

Today brought up a bad habit I have. I didn't go. And I didn't know how Siren would react. And so I reverted to my habit of assuming that she would be mad at me. I assume when I don't know how people are going to react, that they'll be mad. And I assume that people are still mad even if they say they aren't. And its a shitty habit. And there isn't much I can do about it. And I always worry about being a bother. Jonathans just about the only person I can call and have an emotionally significant conversation with and not feel like I'm bothering him and i think thats because we've known each other so long and because so often we let the other vent on us or use us as a sounding board. But anyway.

I'm going to make an appointment tomorrow morning. With a female doctor. And hopefully just get this done with.

ALright, time to go read up on Bush's SC announcement.

Jake Bullet.


DarkRebelSiren said...

Dont forget the lollipop. :) ::kisses::

Unknown said...

This time im not only going with you to the appointment i am actually going back to hold your hand during the procedure.

Good job on making the new appointment sweety.