Wednesday, September 07, 2005


Hey folks,

Yeah, so we're going to have to hold off on that description of the BDSM play party for a few reasons. First, I have to figure out which details I'm okay with sharing in this blog and which ones will be kept secret. Second, I have to actually write what happened and that's gonna take awhile. Third, I want to tell some people what happened before telling the whole world. So the description will have to wait. And it will be broken into several posts. As a consolation prize, here is another teaser

I had two fabo scenes. One very nice one with the electrician which involved a TENS unit, a mercury switch and LOTS of tickling. I'm secretly very ticklish.

The second scene was with Alice. A very nice Domme who loves to beat me. It was really, really intense for me and took alot out of me. There was grunting and cursing involved. And everyone clapped after we were through. That was good rough times.

Then I made the mistake of setting my shoes on Alice's kitchen table which earned me a little punishment. I real fast learned that punishment hurts, but not in the happy fun way. But guess what, I will never as long as I love set my shoes anywhere in her house but on the floor. Ever. I make alot of mistakes but usually I learn fairly fast.

Oh yeah, and Paul got me a lawn gnome. An unstolen lawn gnome, but that's another story. Well, time to work on an e-mail and then get some sleep. I have early class tomorrow.

Jake Bullet

PS. Keep the comments coming. I greatly enjoy them.


DarkRebelSiren said...

I dont think you being ticklish is a secret. ::grin::

Unknown said...

heheh just wait timm saturday,,,,