Monday, September 12, 2005

easy shift

Well, i just punched out of work and it was the easiest shift ever. Why? Well, I spent pretty much the entire evening working on the story I alluded to yesterday. The story makes me squirmy just writing it.

And today the prof who teaches my two monday classes is out of town so I have the day off. So I'll be back in a few hours to write here.

Well, time to get some sleep. More posting will be had this afternoon.

Jake Bullet


Anonymous said...

very interested in the scary and exciting idea you talked about.

I'm in the process of making a blog here about my Boyfriend and my BSDM life.
I'm enjoying your blog.

Chelsea aka 'Dylan's girl'

Jake Bullet said...

Glad you like the blog. be sure to let me know once you get one of your own set up. As for the sectet idea, so thats got to stay private for right now, but I'm sure I'll be talking about it sooner or later.

Jake Bullet