Friday, March 03, 2006

Shopping today.

Here's where I've been and what I got. I am a total perv. And as ussual, I got a number of looks at my TwistedMonk shirt.

School Bookstore
-Foreceps for Sally Jane

Dom Depot (aka Home Depot)
-100 feet of rope
-Latex tool dip (for rope ends)
-Electrical tape (for marking rope)

Large Chain bookstore
-Got nothing, but asked about Wiseman's Erotic Bondage Handbook

Local Queer Bookstore
-Gay Pride Flag Sticker for my car
-Pin with fabo saying on it
-Copy of "The New Topping Book"
-Requested they order Wiseman's book and a leather pride flag sticker for me.

I love shopping. Sally Jane are going Camera shopping later today and may end up stopping at the pet store, for, um, things.

I love being a perv.

Jake Bullet

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