Wednesday, March 29, 2006


Today was supposed to be a productive day.

I was going to pick a cell phone (for when I switch in a week or so), learn more about possible PDA's, attend a very important meeting to get answers to a problem I have, and do some more reading. Supposed to.

Here's what happened.

-The only solutions that the meeting offered would make my problem worse not better, once again, I don't fit in the mold. And thats probably my fault.

-I can't pick a phone because I can't find out which ones are relaiable (I want an inexpensive one to come with the plan, so I'm very limited in the choices)

-I didn't get any research done on PDA's....the one I want is too expensive for the money I have available. So I need to keep looking. Hurray for me.

-Three books and a hat came in the mail. The problem is one of the books is written by a woman who I think is pyschotic (and I only skimmed her ramblings), another is written by guys with real problems making me feel like a whiner for even bringing mine up, and the 3rd is too short to offer any help. Plus I look terrible in the hat.

Today's been great, just great. Tomorrow's looking even better.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sometimes an ugly hat is a good thing. Hmm?