Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Screw you Sprint, I'm going home

Screw you Sprint!

I'm done with sprint, done. Absolutely completely done. I'm sick of bad reception, dropped reception, incoherent billing, pricey service, dropped calls and all of it.

Sprint can officially eat my ass. Its time for the good people of Sprint to play my favorite game....Hide and Go Fuck Yourself.

T-mobile is out too, Andrew has toooooo many horror stories already. So I am going to take an hour sometime tonight to compare US Cellular and Cingular. And soon I will pick one and switch.

(In defense of Sprint, when I went to the store about an hour ago, they were able to give me 500 additional anytime minutes for the month, giving me around 200 minutes to actual use in the coming days. Buying those minutes also changed my bill from about $140 to $50. But, other than that they suck.)

If anyone has suggestions on which company is better, I'd love to hear. All I want to do is make calls....I don't care about ringtones, games, text messaging (I *maybe* send 5 of those a month), or anything fancy. I just want uber minutes for low price and a huge block of time listed as Night and weekend/unlimited use.

Stupid bloody phones.

I'll blog more later.

Jake Bullet


tulsa said...

I have cingular, and and I have no problems with it, but I think it really changes area to area. And I've been on the same plan for the past two years, so I'm not up on the more recent costs, but I have 600 anytime and 5000 night and weekend a month.

I've been reading through your blog and it's really interesting, hope you don't mind me leaving a little note.

Anonymous said...

buy cingular

Anonymous said...

ive had horror stories wirt Us cellular and when i left them and bought a cingular phone... 3 days later they still hadnt activated it even thought i called them about a million ti,mes complaining (i used the landline)... i went to tmobile and i have had a few probs... my phone was acting funny... but they sent me a new one right away.. for free... i forgot what other problem i had but it was minor and they fixed that right away too and gave me 500 fre min as an apology... since thenive had no additional problems

goood luck on your search