Wednesday, March 01, 2006

I haven't updated recently. And its been because I've been in a little bit of a mood lately. I don't know why, but it just happens to me sometimes. And if you've tried calling recently, I've had my phone turned off for awhile. No, I've payed the bill. It's just that, well, I haven't wanted to talk recently, and I've been avoiding the Parental Units. SO I shut off the phone. My e-mail still works just fine however

However, this evening my friend R and I are going to grab coffee and possibly food as well. Discussions will likely ensue, its possible plans to overtake a small third world country will be delevoped. I'll let y'all know.

I will be out at Thursday, promise.

Last updates comment? Well, um, Sally Jane pegged it. Its mostly due to Sally Jane and Batina.

We three played Friday night. It was pretty much all puppy play. And it was alot of fun. I got so into the role I stopped thinking in words for awhile, which was uber hellacool. And then, even though puppies don't get to play on the furniture, I got to crashed with Sally Jane and Batina in the bed(no, no funny business) and then we hung out and played the next morning. And amoung the highlites was the following: learning to give good foot rubs (I'm not really a feet guy), learning to bathe feet with my, um, tongue (seriously, I'm not a foot guy, I do it because others enjoy it), and playing fetch with one of my own, um, *insertables*. I also learned that apparently as a puppy I bite alot. But yeah, it was good times, even if I did hurt my knees a bit during the playtime. I think I want to do puppy play again.

But yeah, for now, I think I'm going to go to a bookstore and buy a few books. I'm thinking 1984 and Brave New World. Not the cheeriest in the world, but I want to reread them.

Jake Bullet


Miss_Deidre said...


Been a long time since I've been around and I wanted to sneak in and leave a quick Hello ... I'm trying to catch up on everything I've missed and it looks like quite a bit

Missed you!

Ms D

Jake Bullet said...

