Friday, January 27, 2006

Randomness number 253

Again, another link. This time, Geriatric Riot Grrl. Hurray for new links. Oh, and one of the things I like best about her blog....she says "fuck off" at the end of every post. I like that.

I talked to Jonathan the other day which was nice, I'm going to make it a point to see him soon because there is some stuff I want to chat with him about and we don't see each other often enough. Plus he left something here last time he visited and I need to give that back to him.

In other news, I will be down in Chicago from early Thursday morning to late late Sunday night. I imagine that I'll have some cool stories for all of you, but I will be completely unavailable then. No cell phone, no e-mail, no blog posts. And I fully intend on enjoying myself. Where am I going to be? Sinsations in Leather, of course. I'll be helping set up and take down the event and during the actual convention itself, I'll be meeting people, hanging out with friends and other such jazz.

I've been feeling a little out of sorts lately, but now isn't the time for that. And here isn't the place. Anyways...

Jake Bullet


Anonymous said...

Hugs to you darlin'. SJ

Jake Bullet said...

Thanks Sally Jane
