Wednesday, January 18, 2006

2 weeks eh?

Well, its been 2 weeks since I posted. And thats a long time. And so, I am very sorry indeed to all the blog readers out there. Between family stuff, random life jazz, out of town travel, and falling out of the habit of blogging, its been not good. But rest assured dear readers, I'll be back to regular blog updates starting tonight. Again, mea culpa...but you're getting my thoughts for free so I don't feel too bad.

Well, whats been going on the past 2 weeks? Lots and lots!

#Went to see The Piercer with Fairy and got cut and poked (with needles and scalpels) and then watched him and the Fairy have a little fun. Good times.

#Had a nice holiday season and birthday with the family. Got to see different relatives and catch up with them and all that good jazz.

#Went to GD with Sally Jane which was just good clean fun all around. Alot of good time talking and getting to know each other better.

#Got to hang out with Dawson alot which was good. And got to meet one of his friends for awhile when he was in town.

#Went B.O.B. shopping with the Fairy which was a hoot, plus the store we went to let you try them out. Not on your bits, but you could hold them, turn them on, etc.

#Had a lovely Birthday celebration with the family which included going to my absolute favorite Indian resturant and eating curry and drinking Indian beer all night.

#Got "adopted" by one of my favorite fellow pervs (she says I'm like her little brother, which was just about the nicest thing I'd ever heard). I'm going to call her Sis just to be silly

#Got some sweet B-day/Xmaas gifts including my new favorite toy ever! 30GB iPod with video!!!!! I love this toy.

#Drank more than 23 drinks for my 23rd birthday (the fairy decided each glass was one drink.....fine for beer, less so for extra strength jack and cokes). I will never, ever drink like that again

#Took that second contract job. They are paying me about 40% of my former yearly salary for 200 hours of work, if I win. Less if I lose, but its all good.

#And Monday, school starts up, which should be pretty awesome.

And whats coming in the next few weeks? Even more good stuff!
Going to Sinsations in Leather where I may be a demo bunny for the Piercer in one of his classes.

#Play date with Ninja at Sinsations......mmmm, blood, needles,, I need to either stop thinking about that or go rub one out. :-)

#Generally hanging with the pervs the next few Thursdays and Saturdays

#Maybe going out of town to see Jonathan, I have a nutty idea which I need to run by him.

Well, time to go play with my new toy a little bit more.

Jake Bullet


Ireland's daughter said...

Good to see you back it. Been quiet around here far too long! ;)

Jake Bullet said...

Good to be back. :)
