Tuesday, January 03, 2006


I want a +1 fez of world domination. Why? Read this.

Well, yesterday was day one at the gym, and I've made several observations. Plus its not actually as bad as I thought it would be or that it could have been.

Number 1, being in a boys locker room at a nice gym is a little difficult because you had to constantly remember that any looking or staring, or offering to "help" in the shower is not appreciated. However, just taking the occasional glance makes the trip a little more fun.

Number 2, exercise isn't as bad as it could be. But thats not the worst bit. The pain/burn/hurtiness of exercising is similar enough to an S&M scene that I can concentrate on the endorphins and its not so bad. And I have a better idea of whats a good hurt versus and bad hurt, so I know that nothing I'm doing is anywhere near injury producing. I secretly hate this fact.

Number 3, having a workout buddy makes the job about 9000 times easier. Theres the motivation, the watching them suffer through the same exercises, being able to banter back and forth, and the fact that you have no good reason for shirking out then.

I think I'm going to head down to GD for my birthday this year. Well, not right on the date, but the weekend after. Jack Rinella is presenting a topic and then its playtime. Good times all around.

Well, time to find something that looks like a healthy breakfast before heading to the gym around noon.

Jake Bullet

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