Monday, January 23, 2006

New Room

Well, no I haven't moved, but looking at the old room versus the new one, you might think that I had.

To say that my old room was a bit of a bachelor pad is really giving me alot of credit. It was a disaster. A complete and total one. Enter the Fairy. Because its nice to be able to hang out at my place in addition to her place, I decided to toally clean, organize, debulk, deep clean and otherwise make my room habitable for human inhabitation. I spent the bulk of this past weekend, with a super ton of help from Fairy, cleaning and organizing the room. And you can see my pretty new hardwood floors now!! And I'm learning how to clean and keep things neat so that one day, I can be a better housepet! Woo hoo!

But yeah, cool new bed frame (it looks kind of like a kids bed because it has drawers underneath) a new 5 shelf bookshelf which I indeed to fill as fast as I can, every piece of furniture in a different place. Its all very good. Hopefully, I should have the last of the new items I need (small lamp, calander, etc.) plus the desk and couch moved by tomorrow. I'm very jazzed by this idea.

And I made it to the gym and all my hella awesome classes today. I'm firmly committed to going to the gym and to class this year. Firmly committed!

Now if only I could manage to learn to dance, I'd be hella awesome.

Jake Bullet

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