Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Back from Kinky Kollege

Late last night I got back from Kinky Kollege. And what an event it was. Seeing old friends, making new ones, getting to know people from the local munch better, classes, play time, and everything rocked. It was freaking fabulous. I can't describe it all in one blog entry and I'm still recovering so I'll tease you all with a list of topics which WILL be covered.

-Playing with the Piercer (an etra tease for y'all....Its been 48 hours since he and I played and I still have marks)
-Meeting Jay Wiseman
-The new girl
-Volunteering and afterwards
-Meeting fun people

I will say this, the emotional letdown after the event was almost as bad as after Shibaricon. I mean, doing nothing but BDSM related stuff for 3 days and then having to go back to the real world is a total downer for me. It sucks to have to quietly talk about things. It sucks that I can't share my weekend with my coworkers and friends. It sucks that sexy T-shirts and nudity aren't appropriate dress anymore. Its just frustrating to know that I had a few days to be completely in my element around like minded people and now its time to go back to hiding and back to having to lie about what I do. I was better prepared for the letdown this time, but it still doesn't mean the letdown doesn't suck.

Alright, well, time to put away new toys and clothes and then grab some sleep.

Jake Bullet

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