Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Kinky Kollege III....Piercing

Okay, the post that I'm sure at least a few of you have been waiting. I got to play with the Piercer and the Fairy on Saturday night of Kinky Kollege. Here is the report with the details I feel comfortable sharing with y'all.

The Piercer is the same guy from the nearly fainting episode and we've seen each other several times since last February. One thing about the Piercer is that he isn't a Dom, he isn't a Master, he's a Sadist through and through. He just enjoys causing pain and is really good at it. He's a really great guy, dedicated to his art, easy to chat with and very handsome. He is also quite straight and doesn't often Top boys. But we know each other a little and he liked the idea of us playing.

I wasn't exactly sure what I wanted except that I knew no medical play and I wanted it to look pretty and I wanted to be covered in needles. The Piercer suggested we do a little remake of Gulliver's Travels....basically, he was going to use needles plus colored string to tie me down to a bondage table and then have his way with me. It sounded like fun to me and sounded like it would be easy enough to take so I quickly agreed. The Fairy and I helped set up his gear and I nervously stripped down to a pair of tight black boxers. After double checking what we were both expecting and checking safewords and all that jazz, I laid down on the table and had a few minutes to relax (i.e. get myself all worked up and nervous) before he started.

The Piercer, after working the Fairy a little to fuck with my head, started on my left arm, putting 4 22gauge needles into my arm. Two in the upper arm, two in the lower. He then put 4 in the other arm and then 3 into each of my legs. After a short time, the needles started feeling warm and floaty and really nice. Don't get me wrong, they hurt going in, but they felt nice after awhile. The Piercer then started using hobby twine to tie the needles to the table, which illicted "cute little moans and whimpers" as the Fairy put it. Because he looped the hobby twine in a figure 8 pattern around the needles, it pulled them away from the skin so there was a constant tug on the needles even before they were tied to the table.

Well, the combination of being in only boxers plus, the needles, plus the Fairy teasing me caused a swelling in my boxers. Which is to say I had a monstrous hardon. What really helped was the Fairy plus several other ladies commenting on it as I lay there, my cock twitching and waving. Yeah, having hot women comment on my dick as a handsome man jammed me with needles....yeah, there was no way that I wasn't going to get hard from that. The best part was as the Fairy and another woman were commenting on how "it looks like a dogs tail waving". Embarrassing? yes, quite, but still hot.

Once the Piercer had preped more needles, he began working on my chest. Now those needles hurt. Hurt alot. At one point I screamed, "Put down the fucking biopsy punch". There was much yelling, cursing, promises (threats) of retribution, whimpering, moaning, groaning, and squealing going on while the Piercer put 34 needles in my chest. Yes 34 needles in 4 rows up and down. The Fairy's job at that point was pretty much to tease and torment me, because, well, she's good at that and it seemed to be working for all 3 of us. I can't even count the number of times I swore that I would get her back the moment I could, you know, move and stuff. She just giggled. I suppose its difficult to be very threatening when tied to a table with fluorescent green string.

After counting up the needles, the Piercer noticed that we were only 2 needles short of 50 and asked me how I left about putting the last two into my dick. And, I just wasn't prepared for that. I've never really done any sort of CBT (unless drunken sac tag counts) and that idea was a little too scary for me. Because he wasn't sure if I was begging him not to and meaning "please do that" of if I really didn't want to he said he was putting them in unless I said red to that. I didn't even let him pause, the word red was out of my mouth almost as soon as he had finished saying it. That gave the Piercer and the Fairy a little laugh and so he opted to put the last 2 in my left nipple. Those hurt a little. Those two had me cursing and promising to exact revenge.. They hurt alot to be quite honest.

The Piercer let me relax and I managed to get my head up enough to take a good look at my chest. And I was blown away. I was covered in needles. Just freaking covered and that freaked me out in a good way. The Fairy took the opportunity to tease me and it was at this point that she convinced me that she had made a sign on the table that read "Gulliver". Now, of course there was no sign, but with the Fairy, the Piercer and several audience members telling me there was, I was firmly convinced. And I was ready to beat the Fairy senseless because she's a brat. So I started trying to untie the strings holding me down. And had absolutely no luck. I had to rotate my arm so far to get at the knots that they were pulling way too hard for comfort on the needles in my arms.

Now it was time to take the needles out. Okay, the scenes nearly over I tell myself. Well done. Fat Fucking Chance. See, it would be wayyyyyyy too easy for the Piercer to simply pull the needles out at drop them in a sharps container. Ha Ha! Why do that when instead you can slowly pull each needle out one by one and then use the very sharp tips to scratch the crap out of my chest. And that what he did. Ya know those airplane and car noises you make with small children to try to get them to eat something. Well as he was pulling the needles out, he decided to play a little race car like game with two of them. Racing all over my chest, dodging other needles, scratching quite deeply and also making 5 year old car noises. That freaked the shit out of me. A man who was acting like a 5 year old playing race car games on my chest with sharp needles? Oh yeah, that’s the makings of a relaxing time. The fairy has since told me "The look of horror on your face was priceless". My chest, by the time most of the needles came out was cover from waist to neck in needle scratches, deeply painful needle scratches. And of course I took this all very stoically. That is if we define stoically as whimpering, nearly crying, moaning and begging. Yeah. The last two in the nip got alot of play before they very painfully came out.

After that the arm and leg needles were quickly removed and I just lay there, totally out of it, off in my own little world, trying to work up the courage to try to move my arms and legs. I got a good look at my chest at this point and the scratches were everywhere. And there was blood all over my chest. Very hot. I was trying to bring myself back to something approaching normalcy when the Piercer said we had one thing left. He soaked a few paper towel in 70% isopropyl alcohol and then started wiping my chest down. Ever put alcohol in an open wound? It hurts. So you can imagine how it felt on all the pretty little needles holes and scratches. Apparently my friends could hear me from across the room at that point.

Well, the Piercer helped me put my shirt back on and he and the Fairy provided some very nice aftercare and I began to work on figuring out how to use my legs and arms again. After having some glucose (I HIGHLY recommend glucose tablets) and relaxing for awhile, I started to get dressed again and met up with a few friends and I was eager to take my shirt off and show off my marks. I was warmed by the Piercer that I either needed to keep my shirt on the rest of the night or go take a hot shower and very carefully wash out the scrapes and needle marks. So, the Fairy helped me up to the room, because I still hadn't fully regained my motor skills and I took a very hot shower. Which also hurt, the hot water and soap really make the little marks burn and sting, but, like the whore I am, I liked it.. Plus, I had the opportunity to look at all of the pretty marks all over my body, to touch and feel them and to just grin like an idiot. I got dressed again and headed back to the party, eager to show off my marks, to see other people play and to thank the Piercer for the scene. All in all it was very fun and very physically taxing. And it makes me want to play with needles alot.

So that how everything went, I was on cloud nine for the rest of the night and I still have little scratch marks on my body, although they are mostly healed. The Piercer and I have traded some e-mails and are already planning to play again sometime. Again, I think its official, I like needles. And, writing about this makes me want to write a post on how BDSM makes me feel pretty. Alright, well, hope y'all enjoyed.

Jake Bullet


DarkRebelSiren said...

Yum. I know just what those little noises sound like too, boy.

Jake Bullet said...

::blushing and squirming, with a small grin:: I figured you might be firmilar with those. I'm glad you liked my little retelling of the event.