Tuesday, October 18, 2005

If only I had a doggie treat...

So I was at the security job around half past midnight when I heard a knock on the front glass doors. Now, we are not allowed to let people into the building after midnight so I knew that all I was going to do was tell whomever was at the door that they couldn't come in (unless of course they had a legitimate emergency like a gushing flesh wound). An annoying task because often people only want to use our phone or ATM, but I don't make the rules.

So I walked over to the door and saw this very pretty little girl. Maybe 5 foot tell, but probably not even that, look like not a day over 21 and had a very submissive look to her. I don't know why she looked particularly submissive, but she did. It wasn't that she was a girl, or her height, or even that she was blond. She just had this look....this look like she really should be coming to munches and exploring her inner submissive. But I digress.

If it were up to me, I would let her in but it's not up to me. So I carefully explained that she couldn't come in and we had a little back and forth discussion about it because she did really want to come into the building. Well, she was intent on staying in our vestibule and arguing so I turned and started to walk away. But as I did, she dropped down to her hands and knees and sat like a puppy would sit and started really really begging me. Down on her knees, her little ass rest on her calf muscles and her hands in front of her, holding the rest of her body up. Honestly, she looked just like a little puppy. I just stood there and stare for a minute or so, trying not to think of horrible, terrible things I wanted to do to her at that point and then walked away before my....interest.... in her became evident.

I couldn't get her out of my mind the rest of then night, because she just looked so cute in that pose.....in fact she actually started scratching at the door just before I walked away. Just looked like a little puppy and images of puppy play danced through my head for quite awhile. And so, I have decided to start keeping cookies in my pocket at work.....just in case a situation like this ever arises again.

I wonder, would she have let me balance a little cookie on her nose and then eaten it on command?? I wonder.....

Jake Bullet


Unknown said...

awwwwww how cute

naughty_one said...

You made me smile with this post. I just stumbled on your site and I am glad I did. I will be back again ;)

Anonymous said...

You definitely need to keep some cookies on you.

DarkRebelSiren said...

Thanks for the idea, boy. ::smirk::

Anonymous said...

Let your evident interest show; I say. How else will you get to play with new and exciting people. Though for future instance, the cookies are an excellent idea. By the way... when are you going to be in the D.C. area??

Jake Bullet said...


No Fair getting evil ideas from my blog.


I'm not sure when I'll be in the area, but hopefully sometime after the first of the year. I'll be sure to let you know when.

Jake Bullet