Friday, October 21, 2005

Things you learn

The post on BDSM making one feel pretty will wait till tomorrow. Here are a few random observations from the past 24 hours.

-An 8 minute and 45 second phone call can totally make my day and can make me blush and squirm in public.

-Women don't *need* BDSM toys. There teeth and nails are mooooooore than enough to cause plenty of pain and little marks. Silly Fairy.

-When Sally Jane decides to pinch someone for being mouthy or something, I am, in fact, the only one who stays still and lets her do it even though it hurts alot. I mean, what am I supposed to do? She says "Stay still".

-It is possible for Andrew to spend over half his workday trying to rearrange the office.

-Boxer-briefs look cuter than boxers, but also feel different.

Randomness is fun. Tomorrow will be a real post.

Jake Bullet


Anonymous said...

Sally Jane's pinching. Well, that may be because you are better trained than the others ..... or..... perhaps because you like the pain much more than they do! Just a thought. SJ

Unknown said...

Or it could be because you arent as bright as the rest of us who skitter away. Or maybe we dont get into as much trouble as you do.