Monday, February 20, 2006


I've been listening to techno for 2 straight hours. And not good techno, no no no. I'm listening to the stuff that the dirtiest Euro-trash listen to at 2 in the morning after there 5th Guinness of the night. Dirty trashy techno. And I kind of like it. Why? Eh, who knows. My music moods are pretty bizarre to be frank. Irish one day, pop the next, then rap, then Indian pop, then crazy cello music, then god only knows what. Ugh.

Alright, back to slightly more productive things.


Edited at 1:48am: I really want to smoke right now. It'll have been a week without in about 4 hours. And no, I'm not going to have one. But right now, I have no gum to chew (regular gum), I can't smoke, I really want to go outside, shiver and inhale tar. I'm not going to. I literally haven't so much as touched a ciggerette in nearly a week, but still. I want one. Grrrrrr. Stupid ciggerettes and stupid incentives for not smoking. Grrrrrr


Anonymous said...

if the incentives are stupid maybe they should be taken away

Jake Bullet said...

Incentives are good, but last night in the midst of a serious "nic fit", when the possibility of incentives were the only thing keeping me away from a pack of smokes, I was somewhat less fond of them.
