Monday, November 21, 2005


Look to the right, lots of new fabo links. Enjoy in good health, more will be coming soon. I've got one or two more blogs I may add, plus several new BDSM and political links

So I picked Jonathan up from the airport today and we had many lovely conversations...about friends, which friends we thought might also be perverts (Jonathan is not a pervert, but he knows I am), our love lives, his trip, people who talk on the plane because they forgot to buy a magazine, the good old days and of course politics. Some of the winning lines of the night are as follows:

After he talked to his mom on the phone about cooking a turkey.
-Jake: Now Jonathan, you know that when you clean the bird, you can't actually use dish soap, it hurts the taste....just plain water is all that’s allowed
-Jonathan(Without missing a beat, totally sarcastic/serious): Really?? I just figured I could toss it in the dishwasher or something….

Later in the night when refilling the gas.
-Jonathan, What kind of fuel does this beast take?
-Jake (look of disbelief): Regular. Plain, ole regular. If there was anything less than regular, I'd use that. Shit, if I could get away with it, I'd fill the tank with kerosene and water, but the car people frown on that policy.
-Jonathan (choking with laughter): Kerosene and water it is....maybe I should add my gum wrapper for fiber!
-Jake: Screw your fiber!

We also talked about the confluence of small, seemingly random events that brought us to where we are in our lives. Attending the same school. Me attending a meeting. Him being convinced to go on a trip. A girl not doing her job, allowing him to take the job. Me volunteering. Him trusting me when he had no reason to. So many little things. God, what would life have been like if the line at the greasy spoon had been shorter and I had skipped his meeting??? I wouldn't be at this school. I wouldn't be a Poli Sci major. I likely would have dropped out of college altogether. He wouldn't have gotten the job that was his stepping-stone to his last 3 jobs. Half our friends would have never met one another. God, what if that line had been shorter??? Or if he had said “Screw You” when I volunteered??? I don't even know who I would be right now. Its weird to think about those what ifs. But I’m glad things turned out the way they did. Really really glad.

That’s why sometimes I thank the Gods and Goddesses above for long lines.

Jake Bullet

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