Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Amazon Dot Com Whore

I know, Amazon.com has been around for years. I know, everyone’s already heard of it and everyone already uses it. But recently, I've started to become an Amazon.com whore, I go there and see about 10,000 things I want to buy. What’s in the next shipment that I'm waiting for?

Jay Wiseman's Erotic Bondage Handbook - At Kinky Kollege, I had the opportunity to meet Jay and also help him sell a few books. I picked up SM 101 there and highly enjoyed it. And now I need another book on rope bondage. Midori's book is great, but I've heard that Jay Wiseman's is perfect for practical instructions on 1 and 2 column ties and many other practical knots. I may have the need to use those soon so I figured this was as good as an excuse to buy the book as I was ever going to find.

The Last Human - In Britain , two men named Rob Grant and Doug Naylor created the Red Dwarf series. A series which I am happily obsessed with. They wrote the series under the pen name Grant Naylor, but unfortunately, they split up. They no longer write together and they were 2/3rds of the way through a trilogy of books when this happened. So each one separately finished it. This is Doug Naylors conclusion to the series and I really want to see how he envisioned things ending.

Screw the Roses, Send Me the Thorns: The Romance and Sexual Sorcery of Sadomasochism - Okay, admittedly I got this book because the website said if I ordered more then they'd give me a discount. But in reality, this book as been on my "to read" list for quite some time. I always enjoy reading SM related books because invariably I learn things about myself from them. And its always fun to come up with new and fascinating ideas.

Office Space Special Edition with Flair - Okay another purchase I suckered into with the "Buy more and we'll give you money back" offer. But more so than that, I just find this movie hilarious, simply freaking hilarious. Plus the guy who plays Milton (Stephan Root) is one of my favorite actors.

Chef! The Complete Series - Odds are you have never heard of this show. Ever. Its okay, I don't look down on you because of it. It’s an obscure British comedy that I found one night on PBS. And it’s hilarious. I mean I love British comedy to begin with, but I really identify with this particular show. The premise is that this very hot black chef (Lenny Henry) (picture) is the head chef at England’s Finest French Restaurant. And his wife is the Manager and there is a young man named Everton who is perhaps the least competent kitchen worker in the history of all England. Chef is an extraordinary demanding man who is almost constantly ready to kill anyone who makes the slightest mistake in the kitchen. I know, it sounds a little odd. But if you've worked in a gourmet restaurant before, its so close to the truth that its scary. Trust me, this show is hilarious. Its mostly an interplay between Chef, his wife and Everton. Various other characters exist, but really, they're not important.

Newsradio Season 1 and 2 - I'm comfortable sharing the fact that I'm obsessed with this show. Mostly for the interplay between Dave Foley and Stephan Root. Many years ago, this show was on some channel between noon and 1pm. And I watched it everyday. It kept me going and gave me something small to look forward to each day. Everyday I spent an hour with Dave Foley, Stephan Root, Andy Dick, Phil Hartman, Joe Rogan, Vicki Lewis, and Maura Tierney. This silly little comedy gave me a little laughter at a time in my life when I needed some laughter. And now its out on DVD and by golly, I needed to have it. This show never fails to make me smile and remember a few important lessons and an important phone call. I like things that remind you of moments long gone. And, in the end, this show is hilarious.

Well, alright, that’s all for this shipment.

Till later all.

Jake Bullet


Anonymous said...

Chef is a fabulous show - I hope it's a good on DVD as it was on TV (ie: that it has aged well). The Doug Naylor book sounds most interesting as well.

Anonymous said...

glad to see your back, I consider your blog a must read (on par w/ Monk and Ropelover). I must agree about Newsradio, it is possibly my favorite sitcom, and I will certainly check out chef. By the way... have you bought your own violet wand yet??? cheers!!!

Miss_Deidre said...

I've never heard of Chef and I love BritCom ... so I must go out and find this gem before my poor little brain goes "POOF" ...

"And I said, I don't care if they lay me off either, because I told, I told Bill that if they move my desk one more time, then, then I'm, I'm quitting, I'm going to quit. And, and I told Don too, because they've moved my desk four times already this year, and I used to be over by the window, and I could see the squirrels, and they were merry, but then, they switched from the Swingline to the Boston stapler, but I kept my Swingline stapler because it didn't bind up as much, and I kept the staples for the Swingline stapler and it's not okay because if they take my stapler then I'll set the building on fire..."

I love Milton

Anonymous said...

Chef! is one of my favorite British comedies. Lenny is awesome as the cocksure, arrogant head chef at Chateau L'Anglais. I am jealous that you have this. - Wooz