Monday, April 25, 2005

What a night

You know its a good night when:

You end up with a long gash on your arm and have no recollection of it,

You make out for a few minutes with cute lesbians whose names you never caught,

When you grind on your best plutonic gay friend just because the musics that good,

When you find youself surprising attracted to some very passable transvestites,

When you run out of gay bars before you run out of money,

When a hot guy jams his number down you pants (i wish),

When your other plutonic female friend deciedes to jack you off in the backseat after hitting4 different bars and then stops just when you start enjoying it.

All these things and more happened when the Poet, andrew, and 3 others came out to several different gay bars with me on Saturday. More updates later this week.


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