Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Waiting for Shibaricon

Well, its early on Tuesday morning and I'm at work, waiting till Thursday morning when the Poet and I will be heading down to Shibaricon. Seriously, I just cannot wait till we get there. To be honest, I've been counting the days for about the last month. I'm so jazzed because I'll get to learn a ton of stuff about rope, hopefully I get to meet Monk, there will be much fun had by hanging out with the Poet for 5 days, I get to buy some of Monk's hemp rope (probably the larger pre-packaged kit), and I get to relax.

Before I leave however, I have to pack up 80+% of my house and move to a new house several blocks away. That should be great fun, the same kind of fun as beating one's self in the testicles with a sledgehammer (no, I don't like CBT). The Poet, the Dad, and my grandfather will all be helping me so its all good. And the house is larger, closer to school, better neighborhood and slightly cheaper, so its a winning deal, but I just loathe moving.

Now, for something political. I have been nervously biting my nails for the past month over the filibuster fight. See, I read about politics constantly, from news sites, left leaning blogs and right wing nuts (hey, you have to know the enemy) and I am so glad to see that its over. I have been worried sick about what Sen. Frist was planning and it was getting to the point where I would cringe every time there was any story about the filibuster. This example of bipartisan cooperation is why smart Democrats, like me, can still respect people like Sen. McCain (R-AZ) and Sen. Chaffe (R-RI). They could have told Democrats to forget any deal and had an easy Supreme Court confirmation in a year or two. But they reached across the aisle and made a deal which is based on trust and mutual understanding, and to be honest, all 7 GOP Senators who were part of this deal are probably on the White House shit list right now. If you feel so inclined, call up the 14 Senators who are part of this deal (even if they don't represent you) and thank them for there dedication to the Senate and its history. Thank them for respecting the rights of the minority.

Well, I have to get back to guarding the building, which mostly means I point my flashlight at stuff, but hey, I'm getting paid.

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