Friday, May 20, 2005

First day on the job

Well, I am halfway through my first shift at my new summer job. As you should be able to tell from the fact that I am posting in the middle of the shift, its not the worlds most challenging job. Basically, I open and close doors for groups, make sure the building doesn't burn down, direct people to various parts of the building, tour the building to ensure that nothing is going wrong and count the money in the safe. Its not too bad but i have a feeling once i start doing the midnight to 7am shifts (4 times per week) that there will be much blogging about sex and beer and politics and, yes, S&M. Gotta to something to entertain myself because i have been told that in a given 7 hour overnight shift, there are 3 hours of work. 2 if you're efficent. Well, time to make sure the building hasn't burned down again. Future posts will include: Fillibusters, "grassroots organizing", Jonathon (the best friend) , Shibaricon (only 7 days away), meeting Monk (of, politics (in general), competitive districts, annoying Doms, munchs and a new topic. I think I want to be a switch instead of just a sub. But anywho, must dash.

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