Thursday, October 27, 2005


I leaned over and smacked the alarm off this morning and then rolled onto my back. As I was still in that totally confused, still half asleep headspace, I gently brushed my arm across my chest, intending to rub the sleep out of my eyes. What I felt was a few tiny bits of pain as I rubbed over the burn marks from the flash cotton. I just grinned and remembered the panic that had been running through me as I burned. I moved my hand lower and felt how the right side of my stomach was covered with tiny stubble, rather than hair because it had all been burned off by alcohol. Again, I just smiled, remembering how I was so excited and scared as I let the Electrician burn me.

By this time, I was completely awake but I kept my eyes closed. Grinning to myself, I just let my hand explore my chest and discover various marks on my body from past few play sessions. Needle scratches that still feel different because, while closed up, they are still healing...though 90% of them are gone. Yellowish-brownish burn marks from flash cotton. Tiny red dots of electrical burns near my left nipple from some heavy electro play there. Most of the hair on the right side of my stomach just blackened stubble from the alcohol burns. Every time I found a mark with my fingers, I just gently traced that mark....remembering the scene, the feelings, the pain, the feeling of being small, the squirminess, the feeling of being someone’s if only for a short time, the emotions of it all. The scenes just came back to me. I loved it. And it was the perfect way to wake up. And the perfect time to talk about marks.

I remember that after the first scene I ever did, I was talking to the Top afterwards (who happens to be the munch leader) and discussing everything involved in the scene. One of the things she remarked is that because she was going light on me, the marks wouldn't last very long, maybe till the next afternoon. And we kept discussing marks, with me mostly nodding and asking open-ended questions to get more information. (Hey, that’s how I learned stuff, nodding a lot and asking questions) She told me that many submissives love having marks for days or even weeks at a time, which was a real surprise to me and even worried me a little. At the time, I couldn’t imagine A) playing hard enough to get marks which lasted that long or B) wanting to keep marks that long? What if I got hurt? What if I couldn’t play that hard? What if people saw them? What if my *parents* saw them? What if I had a scar from something? That’s what was running through my head back then.

Fast-forward about 18 months and its official. I love marks. I mean, I really really love marks.

I want to be marked so badly these days. I want to wear my marks with pride and show them off to the whole world. I want tell everyone (even the vanilla beans) about the person who loved me enough to leave me bruised, cut, red, bitten, scratched, or burned. Tell them about the person who left marks all over my body and how they did it.

To touch the makrs and look at them, remembering every detail. To thank a Dom for caring about me enough to leave there mark on me. To the idea of being able to thank someone with more than a handshake or a hug and kiss. ::blushing grin:: I LOVE marks and the idea of being marked.

Marks are something special. Its almost like my body is a canvas and scene/pain was a Domly type person painting me, but the marks, that’s the Doms signature on me. That’s the part that makes it artwork instead of just paint on canvas. I just can't explain how I feel about being marked. But looking at them while fresh and remembering who gave them to me and what it was like....well its special to me. I don' think I'm alone here either, I think alot of people like having marks. It’s like a little reminder. And in some ways, it’s almost a re-enforcement type thing. I'm not sure I'm explaining it right, but seeing the marks and the little jolts of pain they provide while fresh, well it reminds me of things. And not just of the scene, but it also reminds me that I'm a pervert. Reminds me that I enjoy suffering just because the person doing it gets off on my pain and submission. Reminds me that I earned the marks. Reminds me that I'm not a normal boy, but something....special, almost. Its just a good reminder of how while I pretend to be normal everyday, on the inside, I'm not. And I love the reminder.

After my needle play scene with the Piercer, in the days after, when the marks didn't hurt unless I touched them, I loved that whenever I had a free moment, I could just roughly rake my nails across my chest/stomach and feel the hurt come back, just for a few seconds. In the elevator, in my office if no one was around, in the halls if they were empty. Just 5 seconds to close my eyes, roughly rake my fingers around the scratches thru my shirt, to feel the pain again, the micro-endorphin rush from the pain, remembering the Piercers voice and the Fairy's teasing. I loved that until the marks healed too much to hurt anymore, but I can still look at them and remember.

I wish I could better explain why I love being marked, but I don't feel that I've done the topic justice. Its just one of those squirmy inside feelings that I can't seem to explain very well or really verbalize. I just know I love getting, feeling, seeing and having marks all over my body. I'm really a whore for marks.

But hey, I'm just one guy. What do y'all think?

Jake Bullet

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Party and a Piercing

Its true, I'm a little nuts and a little bit of a slut. Okay, fine, I'm a complete slut.

This weekend, I got a new piercing and went to another BDSM party. I love my weekends.

The Fairy and I took a little road trip to see the Piercer, which was alot of fun. We got to chat alot, realized we had more in common than I first thought, got to chat about the local scene, and all sorts of other jazz. It was a bit of a long drive, but still lots of fun, lots and lots of fun. She also decided to start text messaging someone special during the little drive, but I didn't mind because I got to enjoy a phone call once we arrived at our destination. :) I got the upper cartiledge of my ear pierced, though for some reason, I was way more nervous than I thought I would be once we actually got to the Piercer's house. Something about the larger needles I think, plus the more medical like setup. I mean, its different when you are doing real body mod rather than a needle play scene. And even though I squirmed a little more than I should have then actually inserting the jewelry, it went it beautifully. Now I have to learn not to sleep on my left side for awhile. :)

The Fairy got her nips done which was fun to watch since I was the photographer for that little event. She is less of a fan of needles than I am so she had a little more trouble but took it like a champ. They also look quite nice.

Then there was the party on Saturday night. About 12 of us got together to tour a haunted house (leave it to the pervs to cheer when they say "you'll be punished if you misbehave in the haunted house") and then have dinner and a little play. The haunted house was fun and the long line gave us all a chance to chat and gossip a little. Then we all went to a house and had a little food. As usual, me being mouthy was less than a good idea. Just for the record, bad time to get a case of the giggles is when you're supposed to be saying "I'm sorry Sir". Then the Electrician and I played. I was hoping to work Sally Jane in a little more as she is a huge fireplay fan. She did light my arm up, but with the crowd, she just wasn't in the mood to play. The Electrician tied me down to a table and then did some moderate to heavy electro-play plus fire play.

Now, I was joking that this was like dinner and a show, with me as the show, because some people were still finishing dinner. And the idea of me being a show for people made me kind of hot. I really am a total slut. Anyway, I was shocked, alot, with the violet wand and also had flashcotton and alcohol put on my chest and lit on fire. It was a fun intense scene, though the audience was a little more into playful heckling than usual and it took me a little longer to drop into space. One fun thing was having about 6 people running there hands over my body, shocking me when I had the violet wand current running up through my body into there fingers. I still have fun little burn marks and I lost quite a bit of hair on my chest. Not that it was furry to begin with, but still, alot is gone now. And I am now totally positive that I love marks that last. They are fun to touch and look at and remember.

I have also decided that electro play is much more fun when my pink bits aren't involved. I mean, getting zapped with a nasty bulb right on the head of your dick just hurts, alot, and not in the fun way. I was trying to crawl off the table after one shock and begging the Electrician not to shock there again. But again, it was a fabulous scene.

Alright, well, I should be doing my post on marks soon enough. Hopefully tonight or tomorrow. Till then...

Jake Bullet

Friday, October 21, 2005

Things you learn

The post on BDSM making one feel pretty will wait till tomorrow. Here are a few random observations from the past 24 hours.

-An 8 minute and 45 second phone call can totally make my day and can make me blush and squirm in public.

-Women don't *need* BDSM toys. There teeth and nails are mooooooore than enough to cause plenty of pain and little marks. Silly Fairy.

-When Sally Jane decides to pinch someone for being mouthy or something, I am, in fact, the only one who stays still and lets her do it even though it hurts alot. I mean, what am I supposed to do? She says "Stay still".

-It is possible for Andrew to spend over half his workday trying to rearrange the office.

-Boxer-briefs look cuter than boxers, but also feel different.

Randomness is fun. Tomorrow will be a real post.

Jake Bullet

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

If only I had a doggie treat...

So I was at the security job around half past midnight when I heard a knock on the front glass doors. Now, we are not allowed to let people into the building after midnight so I knew that all I was going to do was tell whomever was at the door that they couldn't come in (unless of course they had a legitimate emergency like a gushing flesh wound). An annoying task because often people only want to use our phone or ATM, but I don't make the rules.

So I walked over to the door and saw this very pretty little girl. Maybe 5 foot tell, but probably not even that, look like not a day over 21 and had a very submissive look to her. I don't know why she looked particularly submissive, but she did. It wasn't that she was a girl, or her height, or even that she was blond. She just had this look....this look like she really should be coming to munches and exploring her inner submissive. But I digress.

If it were up to me, I would let her in but it's not up to me. So I carefully explained that she couldn't come in and we had a little back and forth discussion about it because she did really want to come into the building. Well, she was intent on staying in our vestibule and arguing so I turned and started to walk away. But as I did, she dropped down to her hands and knees and sat like a puppy would sit and started really really begging me. Down on her knees, her little ass rest on her calf muscles and her hands in front of her, holding the rest of her body up. Honestly, she looked just like a little puppy. I just stood there and stare for a minute or so, trying not to think of horrible, terrible things I wanted to do to her at that point and then walked away before my....interest.... in her became evident.

I couldn't get her out of my mind the rest of then night, because she just looked so cute in that fact she actually started scratching at the door just before I walked away. Just looked like a little puppy and images of puppy play danced through my head for quite awhile. And so, I have decided to start keeping cookies in my pocket at work.....just in case a situation like this ever arises again.

I wonder, would she have let me balance a little cookie on her nose and then eaten it on command?? I wonder.....

Jake Bullet

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Kinky Kollege III....Piercing

Okay, the post that I'm sure at least a few of you have been waiting. I got to play with the Piercer and the Fairy on Saturday night of Kinky Kollege. Here is the report with the details I feel comfortable sharing with y'all.

The Piercer is the same guy from the nearly fainting episode and we've seen each other several times since last February. One thing about the Piercer is that he isn't a Dom, he isn't a Master, he's a Sadist through and through. He just enjoys causing pain and is really good at it. He's a really great guy, dedicated to his art, easy to chat with and very handsome. He is also quite straight and doesn't often Top boys. But we know each other a little and he liked the idea of us playing.

I wasn't exactly sure what I wanted except that I knew no medical play and I wanted it to look pretty and I wanted to be covered in needles. The Piercer suggested we do a little remake of Gulliver's Travels....basically, he was going to use needles plus colored string to tie me down to a bondage table and then have his way with me. It sounded like fun to me and sounded like it would be easy enough to take so I quickly agreed. The Fairy and I helped set up his gear and I nervously stripped down to a pair of tight black boxers. After double checking what we were both expecting and checking safewords and all that jazz, I laid down on the table and had a few minutes to relax (i.e. get myself all worked up and nervous) before he started.

The Piercer, after working the Fairy a little to fuck with my head, started on my left arm, putting 4 22gauge needles into my arm. Two in the upper arm, two in the lower. He then put 4 in the other arm and then 3 into each of my legs. After a short time, the needles started feeling warm and floaty and really nice. Don't get me wrong, they hurt going in, but they felt nice after awhile. The Piercer then started using hobby twine to tie the needles to the table, which illicted "cute little moans and whimpers" as the Fairy put it. Because he looped the hobby twine in a figure 8 pattern around the needles, it pulled them away from the skin so there was a constant tug on the needles even before they were tied to the table.

Well, the combination of being in only boxers plus, the needles, plus the Fairy teasing me caused a swelling in my boxers. Which is to say I had a monstrous hardon. What really helped was the Fairy plus several other ladies commenting on it as I lay there, my cock twitching and waving. Yeah, having hot women comment on my dick as a handsome man jammed me with needles....yeah, there was no way that I wasn't going to get hard from that. The best part was as the Fairy and another woman were commenting on how "it looks like a dogs tail waving". Embarrassing? yes, quite, but still hot.

Once the Piercer had preped more needles, he began working on my chest. Now those needles hurt. Hurt alot. At one point I screamed, "Put down the fucking biopsy punch". There was much yelling, cursing, promises (threats) of retribution, whimpering, moaning, groaning, and squealing going on while the Piercer put 34 needles in my chest. Yes 34 needles in 4 rows up and down. The Fairy's job at that point was pretty much to tease and torment me, because, well, she's good at that and it seemed to be working for all 3 of us. I can't even count the number of times I swore that I would get her back the moment I could, you know, move and stuff. She just giggled. I suppose its difficult to be very threatening when tied to a table with fluorescent green string.

After counting up the needles, the Piercer noticed that we were only 2 needles short of 50 and asked me how I left about putting the last two into my dick. And, I just wasn't prepared for that. I've never really done any sort of CBT (unless drunken sac tag counts) and that idea was a little too scary for me. Because he wasn't sure if I was begging him not to and meaning "please do that" of if I really didn't want to he said he was putting them in unless I said red to that. I didn't even let him pause, the word red was out of my mouth almost as soon as he had finished saying it. That gave the Piercer and the Fairy a little laugh and so he opted to put the last 2 in my left nipple. Those hurt a little. Those two had me cursing and promising to exact revenge.. They hurt alot to be quite honest.

The Piercer let me relax and I managed to get my head up enough to take a good look at my chest. And I was blown away. I was covered in needles. Just freaking covered and that freaked me out in a good way. The Fairy took the opportunity to tease me and it was at this point that she convinced me that she had made a sign on the table that read "Gulliver". Now, of course there was no sign, but with the Fairy, the Piercer and several audience members telling me there was, I was firmly convinced. And I was ready to beat the Fairy senseless because she's a brat. So I started trying to untie the strings holding me down. And had absolutely no luck. I had to rotate my arm so far to get at the knots that they were pulling way too hard for comfort on the needles in my arms.

Now it was time to take the needles out. Okay, the scenes nearly over I tell myself. Well done. Fat Fucking Chance. See, it would be wayyyyyyy too easy for the Piercer to simply pull the needles out at drop them in a sharps container. Ha Ha! Why do that when instead you can slowly pull each needle out one by one and then use the very sharp tips to scratch the crap out of my chest. And that what he did. Ya know those airplane and car noises you make with small children to try to get them to eat something. Well as he was pulling the needles out, he decided to play a little race car like game with two of them. Racing all over my chest, dodging other needles, scratching quite deeply and also making 5 year old car noises. That freaked the shit out of me. A man who was acting like a 5 year old playing race car games on my chest with sharp needles? Oh yeah, that’s the makings of a relaxing time. The fairy has since told me "The look of horror on your face was priceless". My chest, by the time most of the needles came out was cover from waist to neck in needle scratches, deeply painful needle scratches. And of course I took this all very stoically. That is if we define stoically as whimpering, nearly crying, moaning and begging. Yeah. The last two in the nip got alot of play before they very painfully came out.

After that the arm and leg needles were quickly removed and I just lay there, totally out of it, off in my own little world, trying to work up the courage to try to move my arms and legs. I got a good look at my chest at this point and the scratches were everywhere. And there was blood all over my chest. Very hot. I was trying to bring myself back to something approaching normalcy when the Piercer said we had one thing left. He soaked a few paper towel in 70% isopropyl alcohol and then started wiping my chest down. Ever put alcohol in an open wound? It hurts. So you can imagine how it felt on all the pretty little needles holes and scratches. Apparently my friends could hear me from across the room at that point.

Well, the Piercer helped me put my shirt back on and he and the Fairy provided some very nice aftercare and I began to work on figuring out how to use my legs and arms again. After having some glucose (I HIGHLY recommend glucose tablets) and relaxing for awhile, I started to get dressed again and met up with a few friends and I was eager to take my shirt off and show off my marks. I was warmed by the Piercer that I either needed to keep my shirt on the rest of the night or go take a hot shower and very carefully wash out the scrapes and needle marks. So, the Fairy helped me up to the room, because I still hadn't fully regained my motor skills and I took a very hot shower. Which also hurt, the hot water and soap really make the little marks burn and sting, but, like the whore I am, I liked it.. Plus, I had the opportunity to look at all of the pretty marks all over my body, to touch and feel them and to just grin like an idiot. I got dressed again and headed back to the party, eager to show off my marks, to see other people play and to thank the Piercer for the scene. All in all it was very fun and very physically taxing. And it makes me want to play with needles alot.

So that how everything went, I was on cloud nine for the rest of the night and I still have little scratch marks on my body, although they are mostly healed. The Piercer and I have traded some e-mails and are already planning to play again sometime. Again, I think its official, I like needles. And, writing about this makes me want to write a post on how BDSM makes me feel pretty. Alright, well, hope y'all enjoyed.

Jake Bullet

Friday, October 07, 2005

Kinky Kollege Debrief Part II

Kinky Kollege. Kinky, kinky, kinky kollege.

Well, if I had to describe the event in one word it would be "wow". I was blown away. Every little detail that didn't go so well at there last event, every misstep, every error was fixed. It was a perfect event, just absolutely perfect. The classes were great, the social events and areas were great, the dungeon was fucking fabulous and the people were wonderful. The vendors had so many cool items and so many things I want to buy and touch and feel. I cannot recommend this event any more strongly.

Now, shopping. Shopping is a hobby for I enjoy greatly. And I made 4 lovely purchases. And was close to making several more. The first thing I got was a copy of SM101 by Jay Wiseman. I'll talk more about that purchase and meeting him and helping him a little later....probably in another post.

I got a convention shirt and also a shirt which says "Sex & Politics" on the front from the NCSF. More on the NCSF at a later date.

Now my favorite purchase, which I am wearing right now. I was chatting with a girl from the munch and spent a fair bit of the weekend flirting with her. Well the Fairy as I'll call her and I were looking for a new leather skirt for dungeon time. She already had a lovely corset to go with it and I was providing so tasteful advice on whether leather shirt to get. While looking, we also saw men's leather pants. I grabbed some pants at her insistence and we decided to share a changing room and watch each other change and then see how the outfits looked. The first pair of leather pants was a little too tight, so I traded up and tried them on and they were perfect. Pretty, shiny, beautiful leather just covered in leather smell. I had to get them. The fairy also got one of the shirts that I helped to suggest. So I am now the proud owner of LEATHER PANTS. And for certain readers, I'll be more than happy to model them for y'all.

Anyway, time to go send several e-mails, make some posts and relax a little.

Jake Bullet

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Back from Kinky Kollege

Late last night I got back from Kinky Kollege. And what an event it was. Seeing old friends, making new ones, getting to know people from the local munch better, classes, play time, and everything rocked. It was freaking fabulous. I can't describe it all in one blog entry and I'm still recovering so I'll tease you all with a list of topics which WILL be covered.

-Playing with the Piercer (an etra tease for y'all....Its been 48 hours since he and I played and I still have marks)
-Meeting Jay Wiseman
-The new girl
-Volunteering and afterwards
-Meeting fun people

I will say this, the emotional letdown after the event was almost as bad as after Shibaricon. I mean, doing nothing but BDSM related stuff for 3 days and then having to go back to the real world is a total downer for me. It sucks to have to quietly talk about things. It sucks that I can't share my weekend with my coworkers and friends. It sucks that sexy T-shirts and nudity aren't appropriate dress anymore. Its just frustrating to know that I had a few days to be completely in my element around like minded people and now its time to go back to hiding and back to having to lie about what I do. I was better prepared for the letdown this time, but it still doesn't mean the letdown doesn't suck.

Alright, well, time to put away new toys and clothes and then grab some sleep.

Jake Bullet